
A constant in my life is that I love learning. I'm always reading about new ways of working, new leadership techniques, different programming languages, and so on. Here you'll find my writing about what I'm learning right now.

Become a producer not a consumer
Don't just spend your time doom scrolling on Twitter or liking Instagram pictures. It's time to become a content producer and not just a content consumer.

Always be learning
Learning doesn't have to stop after school. Learning should be a lifelong passion that we all embrace.

Creating an idea habit
I sometimes struggle for ideas, especially as I try and a daily blog post for 30 days. Here are a few ideas on how to kickstart a habit of idea generation.

Building an audience
Building an audience is a great way to expand your online network. It can help you to find a new role or perhaps sell digital products online. Here are some tips from [Nate Eliason](https://twitter.com/nateliason) which show how you can do it.

It's not too late to start
Most people think they're too old or inexperienced to start something new. All you have to do is start.

Learning to learn about software development
With a constant stream of information about software development, how do you stay on top of it all? Learning how to learn and being ruthless with your time is a great skill to learn.

Learn in public
Most people consume content and then forget about it. The fastest way to learn something is to share it with others. So let's all learn in public.

Gain confidence at public speaking
I was shy. I hated speaking in public. Now I love it. Learn how you can overcome your fear of talking to an audience.

Visualise your code in style with pretty screenshots
Enhance your online portfolio with pretty code screenshots. Learn how to create eye-catching visuals that stand out.

2019: Personal Retrospective
A look back at what I achieved in 2019 and what I hope to achieve in 2020.

Lessons Learned From Running A Code Club
A Code Club is a great place for children to learn more about computing, and for adults to learn about teaching. Here are some tips and tricks on how to make your Code Club a fun learning environment for everyone.