BBC Account : Engineering Excellence at Strictly Scale
Learn how the BBC account team build a culture of engineering excellence

Here's a talk that I gave at BBC North's "Women In Tech" event in February 2018, which discusses the theme of building a culture of engineering excellence within a development team. I wanted to share some learnings around our engineering team who strive for quality code, whilst managing deployments of applications which are instantly seen by millions of people. It's not about writing as much code as quickly as we can to enable fast feature delivery. It's about building the best processes to encourages the writing of software that scales and is easy to maintain. Learn how we attempt to build an environment of consistency, trust in the team, and knowledge sharing between our developers, whilst delivering quality software at the crazy scale which allows you to vote on Strictly Come Dancing on Saturday night. Unfortunately the gifs don't work on Speaker Deck but enjoy the static images and bad memes anyway. If you have any questions then get in contact or tweet at me on Twitter.
Updated: I gave a longer version of this talk at The IT Crewe meetup in September 2018 and have embedded that version below.